Time Management and Productivity

Managing Our Behavior in Unusal Circumstances

Format: Live training, videos, assessment, resources.

Skill Level: All Levels

Master Class Description

As our days get busier, time management and productivity become and even more important skill. According to experts, habits account for nearly 60% of our daily behaviors. But what happens when our routines are shattered and new habits need to be formed? This training will explore the fundamentals of time management and provide unique approaches to changing behaviors to be more productive.
Whether you want to maintain a productive work flow while working from home, or just manage your actions when motivation drops, this training is for you!

What are the requirements?

Membership in the Titan Skills Academy.

What am I going to get from this Master Class?

Participants will learn:
The science of habit formation
Immediately usable tactics to change behaviors
Strategies to stay on course, even when motivation fails
Opportunities to hack your productivity

Who is this Master Class for?

Volunteers, Employees, Managers, Executives, Non-profits, Businesses, Government, and Corporations.

Learning Journey

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